viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018

Patrón de diapositivas

Bloque V
La palabra Patrón es un termino que tiene gran cantidad de acepciones, pero desde el punto de vista de la informática, y específicamente en PowerPoint, se trata de una diapositiva maestra; es decir, la que almacena toda la información relacionada con la plantilla de diseños aplicados a la presentación actual.
Al pulsar en el botón Patrón de diapositivas del grupo Vistas Patrón, en la cinta de opciones Vista, aparece una vista donde se puede modificar el diseño predefinido y dar un formato especial a todas las diapositivas y diseños posibles del tema asociado.

Los datos que guarda el Patrón de diapositivas son generalmente: el tema utilizado, los estilos aplicados, el estilo y tamaño de fuente, las posiciones y tamaños de los marcadores de posición, el diseño de fondo, las combinaciones de colores y los elementos u objetos insertados.

Si insertas una imagen en cualquier parte de la diapositiva, en la vista Patrón de diapositivas, todas las diapositivas adquieren la imagen en la misma posición. Para salir de la vista Patrón de diapositivas, pulsa en el botón Cerrar vista patrón.

Resultado de imagen para patron de diapositivas

Audio de imágenes prediseñadas

Bloque IV
Para insertar un archivo de sonido de la galería multimedia de Windows, haz lo siguiente:
1. Selecciona la segunda diapositiva de la presentación.
2. Pulsa en la ficha Insertar.
3. Presiona en el botón Audio y selecciona Audio de imágenes prediseñadas.
4. En el panel Imágenes prediseñadas pulsa una vez sobre un clip de audio o abre la lista y selecciona Insertar.

Resultado de imagen para Audio de imágenes prediseñadas
Resultado de imagen para Audio de imágenes prediseñadas

Insertar objetos

Bloque III
Los objetos provenientes de otras aplicaciones e incrustados en un documento de Word se conocen como OLE(Incrustacion y enlazado de objetos).Cuando pulsas dos veces sobre un objeto OLE, se abre la aplicación de la que se origina, y entonces es posible editarlo o modificarlo.

El comando Objeto
El ultimo comando del grupo Texto de la cinta de opciones Insertar se llama Objeto,porque permite insertar en las diapositivas objetos incrustados OLE, que se crean directamente en un programa o aplicación disponible en Windows.
Para insertar un objeto en la diapositiva, haz lo siguiente:
1. Inicia una sesión de PowerPoint y cambia el diseño a Solo el titulo.
2. Escribe el titulo Insertar Objeto.
3. Pulsa en la ficha Insertar.
4. Presiona en el botón Objeto.
5. En el cuadro de dialogo Insertar objeto selecciona el tipo de objeto OLE que desees insertar en la diapositiva.
6. Pulsa en el botón Aceptar.
7. Se abre la aplicación correspondiente,donde puedes crear y editar el objeto.
8. Pulsa en el botón Cerrar.

Cuando cierras el programa, el objeto queda incrustado en la diapositiva.

Resultado de imagen para insertar objetos en power pointResultado de imagen para insertar objetos en power point

Efectos de formas

Bloque II

Ademas de cambiar el diseño de relleno y contorno, o de escoger uno de los estilos rápidos, puedes agregarle al cuadro de texto distintos Efectos de formas:
1. Selecciona el texto o la forma.
2. Pulsa en el botón Efectos de formas.
3.En la galería de efectos veras gran cantidad de efectos agrupados en estas categorías: Preestablecer,Sombra,Reflexión,Iluminado,Bordes Suaves,Bisel y Rotación 3D.

Con los efectos de formas puedes lograr diseños muy elaborados para tus cuadros de texto.

Resultado de imagen para efectos de formas

Personalizar la barra de herramientas de acceso rapido

Bloque I

Desde la instalación de PowerPoint,la barra de herramientas de acceso rápido solo tiene tres comandos: Guardar, Deshacer y Repetir, el cual también se conoce como Rehacer.
Si necesitas tener a la mano algún otro comando para aplicarlo fácilmente sin que tengas que buscarlo en su cinta de opciones, haz lo siguiente:

1. Pulsa en la flecha que apunta hacia abajo y que tiene una rayita encima y selecciona en la lista alguno de los comandos disponibles para que se agregue a la barra de herramientas de acceso rápido.
2. Si pulsas en el vinculo Mas comandos..., se abre el cuadro de dialogo Opciones de PowerPoint, donde también puedes personalizar la barra de herramientas de acceso rápido.
La manera tradicional para abrir el cuadro de dialogo Opciones de PowerPoint es la siguiente:
3. Presiona en la ficha Archivo y selecciona -en la ventana Backstage-el botón Opciones, que se encuentra en la parte inferior izquierda.
4. En el cuadro de dialogo Opciones de PowerPoint selecciona, en la columna de la izquierda, la ficha Barra de herramientas de acceso rápido.
5. En la ventana de la derecha busca, en la columna de la izquierda, el comando que deseas, seleccionando Comandos mas utilizados, Comandos que no están en las cintas de opciones o Todos los comandos.
6. Selecciona el comando que vas a incluir en la barra y pulsa en el botón Agregar.
7. Si deseas eliminar algún comando que hayas agregado, selecciónalo y pulsa en el botón Quitar.

Para que el programa lleve a cabo las configuraciones, recuerda que debes pulsar en el botón Aceptar.

Personalizar la barra de herramientas de acceso rápido haciendo clic en Más comandos


Resultado de imagen para iphone

Apple Inc. Is an American company that designs and produces electronic equipment, software and online services. It has its headquarters in the Apple Park, in Cupertino (California, United States) and the European headquarters in the City of Cork (Ireland). Its hardware products include the IPhone smartphone, IPad tablet, Mac personal computer, IPod Portable media player, Apple Watch smart watch and Apple TV digital Media Player. Apple software includes IOS operating systems, MacOS, watches and TvOS, the itunes multimedia content Explorer, the IWork Suite (productivity software), Final Cut Pro X (a professional video editing suite), Logic Pro (software for Audio editing on audio tracks), Xsan (software for inter-server data exchange) and Safari Web browser.

The company operated, in May 2014, more than 408 own stores in nine countries, thousands of distributors (standing out the premium distributors or Apple premium resellers) and an online store (available in several countries) where their products are sold and provided Technical assistance. According to Fortune Magazine, Apple was the most admired company in the world between 2008 and 2012.

Samsung is a conglomerate of multinational companies based in Seoul, South Korea. It is the largest South Korean business group, with numerous subsidiaries covering businesses such as consumer electronics, technology, finance, insurance, construction, biotechnology and service sector among others. The group was founded in 1938 by businessman Lee Byung-chul as an import and export company, and would later expand his business to other sectors. Since then it has become a benchmark for the economic model of large conglomerates that drove South Korea's economic transformation.

The most important companies that control are Samsung electronics, the second largest electronic revenue company; Samsung Heavy Industries, the world's second largest shipbuilder; Samsung C&T, dedicated to civil construction; The Samsung Life insurance insurer, and the advertising agency Cheil Worldwide.

Samsung has had a great influence on the economic, political, media and cultural development of South Korea. It is estimated that all its affiliated companies represent one-fifth of the country's exports, while its income accounts for 17% of the national gross domestic product.

Religion in Japan

Resultado de imagen para religion de japon

Religion in Japan is not a definite concept, because the Japanese do not believe in a particular religion. Instead they incorporate the traits of many religions into their daily lives in a process known as syncretism. The Japanese streets are decorated in Tanabata, Obon, Halloween and Christmas.

Many people, especially those belonging to younger generations, feel that religions in Japan are the part of traditional culture.

According to official data of 2011, the Shintoism is the religion with greater number of adherents with approximately 101 000 000 people, followed by the Buddhism with about 84 700 000 and in third place the Christianity with 1 900 000 is found. However, many people declare themselves Buddhist and Shinto, so the numbers are difficult to separate between these two religions.

The Shinto religion comes from prehistoric times, as a religion with respect to nature and in particular to certain sacred places.

Buddhism arrived in Japan in the 6th century, in the southern part of the Korean kingdom of the peninsula of Baek, where the king Baek sent the Japanese emperor a Buddha painting and some sutras.

Other religions

Christianity is also very present in Japanese culture. This arrived in 1549 by the Spanish missionary Francisco Javier, and was disseminated by European missionaries.

Judaism, meanwhile, is practiced by a small community of Japanese.

Hinduism is a minority in Japan. However, it has played a significant role in Japanese culture.

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2018


Dolphins also called ocean Dolphins to distinguish them from platanistoideos or river dolphins, are a very heterogeneous odontocetes family of cetaceans, comprising 34 species.They measure between 2 and 9 meters long, with spindle body and large head, elongated snout and only a blowhole in the upper part of the head (respiratory orifice that many marine animals have as contact of air or water with their respiratory system in).
Tursiops truncatus 01.jpg

The word mono is a non-taxonomic term that designates a large set of simiformes primates.

Elephants are a family of placental mammals of the order Proboscidea. In the past they were classified, along with other thick-skinned mammals, in the order, now invalid, of the pachyderms. Nowadays there are three species and different subspecies. Among the extinct genres of this family, mammoths stand out.
Resultado de imagen para elefantes

The dog called pet dog or can, and colloquially Chucho or Tuso, and also Choco; It is a carnivorous mammal of the family of the canids.Resultado de imagen para perro
The Common rabbit or European rabbit is a species of mammal lagomorph of the family Leporidae, and the only current member of the genus Oryctolagus.Resultado de imagen para conejo
The tiger is one of the four species of the subfamily of the genus Panthera. It is found only on the Asian continent.
Tigress at Jim Corbett National Park.jpg

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018


Music is, according to the traditional definition of the term, the art of sensibly and logically organizing a coherent combination of sounds and silences using the fundamental principles of melody, harmony and rhythm.
Music, like any artistic manifestation, is a cultural product. The end of this art is to arouse an aesthetic experience in the listener, and express feelings, emotions, circumstances, thoughts or ideas. 

Elements of Music
The melody is a set of sounds — conceived within a particular sound field — that sound successively one after another (horizontal conception), and which is perceived with identity and self-consciousness.

Harmony, under a vertical conception of sonority, and whose basic unit is the chord or triad, regulates the concordance between sounds that sound simultaneously and its link with neighboring sounds.

The rhythm, is the end result of the previous elements, sometimes with very noticeable variations, but in a very general appreciation it is the ability to generate contrast in the music, this is provoked by the different dynamics, timbres, textures and sounds.

Types of Music

This musical style has its origin in the black musicians of the United States that came from Africa.

The country was a type of music that began to be forged at the beginning of the twentieth century in North America (United States and Canada) and also in Australia.

The cumbia is a Latin American musical and dance style, whose origin is located in Colombia and Panama, and later spread over much of South America.

Disco music is a genre that emerged mainly in the United States back in the year 1970 or so. As in any other type of music he had influences of other styles such as soul and funk, as well as rhythm and blues.

This music is completely generated in a virtual way, being developed since the decade of the years 80 in Germany, taking over quickly of the world scene until the present day, where it is one of the predominant genres.

Folk, really come from English and makes allusions to modern "folkloric" music.
In each region it is common for them to use their instruments such as the harmonica in North America, the bagpipe in Scotland, the violin in Ireland...

Funk or funky music is a type of music whose origin dates back to the Seventies. Musicians of Afro-American origin fused styles like jazz, soul or other Latinos to create this musical genre in which it gives much more prominence to the rhythm (drums and electric bass) than to the melody.

Heavy Metal:
It is a style that has its origin in a youth movement like it was against social systems and education.

Resultado de imagen para music

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018

Gastronomy of colombia

The gastronomy of Colombia is the result of the fusion of food, practices and culinary traditions of the local, European and African American Indian cultures. Although there is no consensus on a single dish that represents all the Colombian gastronomy, the Arepa and the Sancocho are highlighted as the most representative. Other regional dishes are the typical paisa tray of the region Antioquia, the Ajiaco Santafereño, the piglet Tolimense and Huilense and the nickname of Cheese from the coast, among others.

From the diversity of fauna and flora in Colombia, there is a variety of essentially Creole cuisine, with little influence from foreign cuisine. Colombian dishes vary in preparation and ingredients by region and incorporate the traditions of the Spanish, mestizo and Afro cultures. Some of the most common ingredients in the preparations are cereals such as rice and maize, tubers such as potato and cassava, varieties of legumes, meats such as the vaccine, chicken, pork, goat, guinea pig and other wild animals, fish and shellfish. It is also important the variety of tropical fruits such as mango, banana, papaya, guava, lulo and passion fruit.

Colombia has a regional dish, but not one of national character, although the Sancocho and Arepa are very well known in its different variants. Among the most representative regional dishes are the Ajiaco Santafereño, the paisa tray, the cheese mote, the piglet Tolimense, the Mamona or veal to the llanera, the mute Santandereano, the Tamal and the fish, especially in the coastal regions.

Región Andina
In the Andean Region are typical dishes in the Tolima region (departments of Tolima and Huila) as the suckling pig and the tamal, mixture of rice with meat, chicken, pork and soft beads wrapped in banana leaves. Kitchen cundiboyacense offers preparations such as masato, chicha and the Mexican wines, among the soup or potato broth, santafereño stew, ajiaco and other specialties as the cuchuco of backbone of pig, preparations to base of Fish River as the widower of fish cubios with plantain mash, beans stew the guatila, and spinach cake, sweets like sweet gooseberries and anthocyanin, the veleño sandwich, milk flan, curd with melao, the fluff of curuba the flirty and almojabana or muisca custard cake. In the Antioquian kitchen stand out ingredients such as cocoa, the brown sugar, corn, trout, meat, fruits native like guava and pineapple, banana, bean and coffee.

Antioquia gastronomy
In the subregion of Antioquia, separate international cuisine, traditional cuisine is dishes that were born and developed in rural areas, isolated from the rest of the country for generations, which have survived the process of industrialisation, Urbanism and globalization. The Antioquia dish consists of a tray with beans, rice, egg, slices of ripe,fried,ground, sausage meat, chorizo and avocado.